8 Things You Need to Include in Your Farm Business Plan

This image is of a tractor cutting a crop, taken from arial view. Half the field has been cut and the other half is yet to be cut, creating a beautiful, textured image.

As the age-old adage goes, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” This rings especially true in the realm of farming. Without a clear roadmap, achieving success can feel like you’re aiming at a moving target, but you what should you include in your farm business plan? That’s where we come into play with our guide to the 8 things to include in your farm business plan.

Who Will Own Your Farm in 10 Years?

Who will own your farm in 10 years? Farm succession planning

Who will own your farm in 10 years?

Designed to make you stop and think, this question instantly conjures images of the future and the possibilities that lie ahead. But what if we told you the only way to get as close as possible to your desired outcome is to get proactive about your succession plan?

Farm Succession Planning: An Introduction

Farm Succession Planning

An Introduction to Farm Succession Planning | In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the essentials of farm succession planning, helping you chart a course that preserves your legacy, focuses on family harmony, and ensures a smooth transition of farm ownership and management from one generation to the next.

Farm Yarns with Jack Cresswell

Matt Meehan Armidale Accountant walking through a paddock of cows.

We’re thrilled to share the transcript from a compelling podcast featuring our founder, Matt Meehan on the Farms Advice Podcast hosted by Jack Cresswell.
As an authoritative voice in agribusiness and financial planning, Matt lends his extensive expertise and personal anecdotes to this insightful conversation.

How to balance farm debt and business growth

Two caring hands scattering dirt over a budding plant seedling.

How do you grow a multi-million-dollar operation you can pass down to future generations, without passing on the mountain of debt you borrowed to acquire it? There’s no one-size-fits-all, but reading this short blog could help.

How to create a plan for your farm business

The purpose of this image is to express the importance of having a plan in place for different situations.

A farm business plan is more than a document. It’s a road map, and if followed, has the potential to change your life and the lives of the generations that come after you.

How Much Will I Need When I Retire?

I’m often asked this question when discussing retirement and estate planning with a client, and it’s a difficult question to answer.
Thats why I often turn the question right on its head and ask a question of my own.

How To Start Your Farms Estate Plan

This image is used to show it's relevance to Australian farmers

When going to your accountant or your lawyer, you must have done the homework yourselves. You must have got together as a family and had those discussions, talked things through, and thought about the future.

Farm Transition and Estate Planning

Farmers engaging in conversation

Farm transition and estate planning can be complex and confronting, but it doesn’t have to be. This month we are focusing on Estate Planning, and I wanted to share this story with about a fifth generation farming family I am currently working with.

Who Will Own Your Farm In 10 Years?

Who Will Own Your Farm In 10 Years?

Who will own your farm in 10 years?
Welcome to our series on Estate Planning.
Estate Planning is not just about your will, it’s about your assets, who or what owns them and how. Read this blog to learn more

How To Avoid Succession Planning Disaster

Father with son on his shoulders standing in a grass field

One question that I get asked a lot is about how to avoid Succession Planning disaster.

I’ve seen a few disasters in my time, and it’s unfortunate.

Often, it’s those situations where family members are no longer talking.

3 Ways To Have Better Meetings

People talking with their hands

Today I want to talk to you about the tools that help me have better meetings with my clients.

These tools can also be used in our everyday life, whether we’re having discussions with our clients, family members, friends, or our team.

Habits Can Make Or Break Us

Man standing on top of a mountain overlooking the horizon, celebrating success

Habits Can Make Or Break Us Today I want to share the habits that shape my day as a Financial Planner and Business owner. Below you’ll find some interesting points on how our habits can make or break us, including tips on creating better habits, links to two good books, and a glimpse into my […]